15 August 2023

7-Day Trialist Nurture Programme

Every facility owner knows that it is essential to nurture your leads. Ideally, this should be a combination of automated nurturing and friendly, welcoming customer service in person. Automation does not necessarily mean robotic messaging. With Quoox tools, all messaging can be personalised to shine your community through automation.

This can make a huge difference in the way that a lead perceives you. Chances are that you sell your services based on the “Personal Touch”, so it’s important to demonstrate this in your very first contact with your prospect. The most successful facility’s nurturing programs go well beyond simple texts & emails. Quoox has provided a template of 7 things you can do with our tools to nurture your trialists.

 1. Do not just send a welcome message. Send a WELCOME PACK.
With Quoox, you can upload PDF documents and attach them to a nurture program. Instead of a cheesy welcome message, why not go above and beyond to create a welcome information pack? This can include information they need throughout their trial. Starting with how to access their member portal and book on to their first session. Why don’t you include an infographic of all the Quoox member tools?

2. Send them a virtual tour of your gym.
Going to a new facility can be intimidating, but with Quoox Fitflix you can make this easier for new members. Create a video tour introducing yourself and the facility, upload to Quoox (not needing any other video subscription) and send it on day two of your nurture journey. This adds a personal touch and makes coming less intimidating.

3. About Us Email
It is day 3, and your trialist hasn’t received an email – that’s great. It shows you aren’t robotic. Now let’s send one using Quoox immersive email builder to send the best branded ‘About Us email’. Introduce yourself, your amazing staff, and your community. Attach your social media links so they can follow you and feel a part of your facility.

4. Recipe/Nutrition Pack.
Using our FitFile you can upload Recipes and Nutrition packs. Attach one in the trial and show your new member that this is not just about lifting weights. You invest in their entire health and wellness journey.

5. Questionnaire Time.
By day five, they should have attended their first session (which our automation can notify you). So, let’s see why they wanted to join your facility. Send out a questionnaire asking them what motivates them, how they respond to feedback, what their wellness goals are, and why they want to join. This can help you get to know them better. BUT also show your premium service. You can assign each new member a mentor that can read these results and tell the trialist how they can achieve their goals in your facility.

6. How to add a PB.
As the week comes to an end, they might have attended a couple of sessions. This is a perfect time to send information on how to set a PB in their member portal. Their first week will be their starting point, somewhere to always go back to and reflect on. So, setting PBs is important in this week because as they trial with you, whether it’s a month or 6 weeks, they can look back and see progress. The progress they see will be one of the reasons they stay.

7. A call to check in.
Finally, receive a notification reminding you to give your trialist a call. Check in on them and see how they found their first week. Did they face any challenges? Are they still feeling a bit shy? Do they feel a bit body conscious? Your advice down the phone is an opportunity to show you care.

Yes, at first, you need to set aside time to make this, but the time is worth so much investment into your facility. With Quoox, you only need to do this once, and then it is set up for every new member. If you do not have the time… Call us. Quoox is here to help, you may want to upgrade your package to receive more support, or you may want this done for you.
Written by Megan Westrope.


We provide services to an exclusive group of wellness facilities to help them achieve operational superiority and provide ongoing support to their profitable, scalable, expertly operated, premium well-being businesses.
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