The gym management software of choice for premium service training gyms
Built for facilities like yours
Unlike many of the generic fitness CRMs & business systems on the market, Quoox Ultimate was designed specifically for premium service training gyms.
Built to deliver all of the features that the modern, high-ticket gym owner requires to run their facility effectively & profitably, Quoox Ultimate is proving a genuine game-changer for gyms in the UK, US, and Ireland.
Designed for premium service facilities
Built by our own, in-house software team
Architected on Microsoft Azure®
Produced for reliability & scalability
Regular feature updates
Run your business stress free
Operate your entire fitness business from one central platform, saving yourself both time & money.
From lead generation campaigns; to integration with Meta/Facebook; to lead nurturing, Quoox Ultimate has all of the tools and functions you need to effectively attract & manage leads and new members through their induction & membership trials.
A strong member community maximises member satisfaction and increases the likelihood of membership renewal. Quoox Ultimate has a vast array of member retention tools & powerful automated workflows to ensure that members are looked after.
Automated workflows ensure that no lead is ever accidentally forgotten or left 'unloved'. Quoox Ultimate is designed to help you provide a higher level of service to your members, distinguishing you from other gyms in your area - and, most importantly, enabling you to command high yield memberships.
Quoox Ultimate is so much more that a booking & payments system. The platform is designed to provide everything you need to run your entire fitness business. Operating as one cohesive system, your gym will run much more effectively - saving you both time & money, and leaving you with less stress in your life!
Quoox Ultimate includes the most advanced & flexible event automation processes available in any small group personal training gym software.
Our unrivalled event trigger functionality enables you to create an almost infinite number of automations and workflows that fit your business, save you time, and maximise your member engagement.
A number of our clients have reported being able to reduce or redeploy headcount as a direct result of the time saved by the Quoox Ultimate workflows, directly enabling them to increase their profitability.
"Moving to Quoox was probably one of the best decisions of the last 15-years of being in business. It's put me, as the business owner, into the driving seat - giving me the information that I need to be able to make key business decisions..."
Joe O'Connor, Nisus Fitness
Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Choosing a business system is a critical decision and can affect your livelihood.
Quoox CTO, Chris Windram, covers key some points you may wish to consider.
We provide services to an exclusive group of wellness facilities to help them achieve operational superiority and provide ongoing support to their profitable, scalable, expertly operated, premium well-being businesses.