Through his considered use of Quoox's 200+ features, Jon ensures that Krav Maga Elite remains one of the country's finest martial arts facilities.
Combining Personal Bests with BodyHops enables Krav Maga Elite to record and celebrate grading/belt achievements, supported by a timestamped photo of the occasion within the student's personal profile. A brief video of congratulations from their mentor (sent to their personal profile FitFlix® video library) reinforces the member's sense of belonging and community, and that continues to make Krav Maga Elite the standout centre within the South East of England.
Quoox's Campaign functionality provides Krav Maga Elite the ability to create engaging marketing campaigns. Jon has used this, alongside Quoox's Nurturing features to facilitate notouch sign-ups - offering trial sessions, which are transacted & booked without any direct contact from the facility.
Quoox also provides automated reachouts to those who do not complete the trial sign-up session process, to encourage them to book their first session.
Quoox's real-time key performance indicator (KPI) dashboard provides Jon with deep insight into his business and student's activities. One element of this is member geo-coding. An interactive map drops a pin for each student, allowing Jon to see an
aerial overview of the physical location of his clients, along with the average distance of each student from the facility.
Using the rich insights delivered by Quoox, Jon is not only able to target his adverts effectively, but also to see
clear opportunities for growth - both through visualisation of class usage, and through regional expansion.