5 February 2022

The most valuable piece of equipment in your SGPT gym

A popular topic of conversation on the fitness forums is which piece of equipment adds most value to a small group training gym. What benefits your members and, most importantly, what is likely to increase your gym's profitability?
Premier gym
Self-powered treadmillWeight lifting rackExercise bikes
As gym owners, most of us love a nice shiny bit of equipment. Who amongst us doesn't covert a gym stuffed to the rafters with blk:box gear? There are some amazing manufacturers out there, making stunning bits of equipment.

And it's not just iron & steel that can get us salivating. There is some great tech on the market, including member motivation products like Myzone all the way through to Metaverse connected innovations (for those who enjoy swinging heavy weights around whilst having their eyesight impaired!)
Trends change. Spin bikes were in. Then everyone got bored with them. Then they got changed-up and are back in again for a period, before going around the cycle again.

The reality is that any new piece of equipment will get oooh's & ahhh's for the first couple of weeks, but the novelty quickly wears off.

Unlike for one of the big-box chain gym, it is less likely that any piece of exercise equipment will have much significant impact on your bottom line.

No, pretty much all of your members are with you and paying higher membership fees because of the superior service that you provide.

The one piece of equipment that can make the single-most significant improvement to you, your business, and your members is your business management system.

Gym management software is something that very few gym owners get excited about and, often, it becomes one of the least considered bits of kit in the building.  Yet, without any doubt it is the most critical to your business.

Ask around and you will find it's not long before you find a gym owner with a horror story about how their gym system failed to bill their members; or how they lost data; or how the guy that sold it had a "falling out with their 'software guy'" and things starting falling apart. Many more are missing significant tricks and revenue opportunities by failing to give the system that sits at the core of their business due consideration.

There are lots of "generalist" fitness facility management solutions on the market. Most SGPT gym owners tend to fall into one of two camps - either going for a relatively cheap "bookings & payments" system, or by picking the "market leader". Why not, they're the 'market leader', right?

The trick that many gym owners are missing are the significant benefits that a system designed specifically for small group training gyms can make to their business.
Every fitness management solution should handle class bookings & payments, yet it is still terrifying how many people have stories of even the market leaders failing to take payments.

Many gym owners use a wealth of different software, and expect their members to log into each different platform. This is a terrible member experience and the reality is that most won't both. Consequently they don't benefit from the resources you have provided, and don't attain the results they might.
A true management solution designed for small group training gyms should take the weight-off of running the business. It should include automations for generating & handling leads, nurturing & keeping members engaged, and for operating the back-office system of the facility - all so that gym owners and their team can concentrate on delivering the finest quality of service to their members.

The needs of SGPT gyms are unique and require a specialist solution.

Quoox GMS (Gym Management System) has been designed specifically to meet the needs of small group and personal training gyms.  A comprehensive system, it is far more than just bookings & payments.

It was designed and is developed from the ground-up by Quoox's in-house, expert, UK based development team in collaboration with gym owners - from within Quoox, and supported by additional consultants.  Architected and hosted upon the renowned Microsoft Azure and Cloudflare platforms, the system has been designed for reliability, efficiency, and scalability.

One single, cohesive system, Quoox GMS is able to offer workflows, efficiencies, and opportunities not available through generic systems supplemented by disparate bolt-on apps. Consequently, gym owners, the gym team, and members all experience a much better, unified experience - maximising bookings, product consumption and, most importantly, member renewals.

With 200+ features, Quoox GMS is a system that actually delivers on its promises.

Activity Dashboard
Activity Tracking
Appointment Management
Attendance Management
Attendance Tracking
Automated Scheduling
Automated Workflows
Billing & Invoicing
Booking Management
Calendar Management
Class Management
Class Scheduling
Client Management
Client Portal
Contract Management
Credit Card Processing
Customisable Branding
Customisable Forms
Customisable Reports
Customisable Templates
Discount Management
Electronic Payments
Employee Management
Event Calendar
Event Management
Event Scheduling
Facility Scheduling
Family Management
FitFlix Videos
Instructor Management
Inventory Management
Membership Management
Injury Recording
Nurturing Sequences
Online Booking
Payment Processing
Point of Sale (POS)
Q: Drive Shared File Storage
Recurring Billing
Registration Management
Reminders & Alerts
Reporting & Statistics
Self Check-in Kiosk
Shift Management
Wait List Management
Website Integration
XRcize On-Demand
plus much more...

For those looking to grow their small group training gyms and seeking the provision of a full service offering, Quoox GMS is at the core of our Alchemy products, including SGPT Infinity.

SGPT Infinity is a community of successful gym owners looking to improve their fitness business. As a subscriber to SGPT Infinity, we bring you together and share current industry best in practice, trends, what is working right now, and what is coming next in the fitness industry.

Why not book a call to learn more?
Written by Chris Windram.


We provide services to an exclusive group of wellness facilities to help them achieve operational superiority and provide ongoing support to their profitable, scalable, expertly operated, premium well-being businesses.
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