Elevate your fitness business

New offerings from Quoox to help you maximise your potential

Since the moment that the idea for Quoox was conceived, we have been focussed on providing the tools & services that service-orientated, boutique fitness gyms & studios need to operate their businesses effectively and, most importantly, profitably.

We are delighted to be in the position to finally announce a number of new services, products, and features that we have been building and refining for 12+ months. An introduction to each can be found below.

Your account manager will be reaching out to you over the coming days/weeks but, if you would like to get a leg-up and find out more about these new services/features sooner, schedule a call with our Director of Customer Experience, Jess Pitts-Brennan.

Workflow automations

Our optional new "Event Trigger" functionality brings AI and automated workflow process directly into Quoox GMS.

Through investment in our powerful Microsoft Azure architecture (the technologies upon which Quoox GMS has been designed), our workflow automations open up a new world of opportunities unique to the Quoox GMS system.

In a nutshell, Event Triggers is "a user-definable set of events that can be configured to take place upon the occurrence and matching of a definable event". 

But what does that actually mean?!

Through workflow automations you can massively simplify your business operation, whilst increasing member retention.

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Over the last 2-years there has barely been a week that has gone by without at least one of our customers (disappointed by their "business guru") has urged us to start providing fitness business mentorship & coaching, along with a suite of pre-written, ready-to-use resources.

At Quoox, it is a fundamental part of our ethos that, if we're going to do something, we will do it better than anyone else.

It is with that in mind that, over the last year, we have been working to develop new best-in-class services that form part of our new Alchemy suite of products & services, SGPT Infinity and Engage.

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What is Alchemy?

Alchemy from Quoox is a complete system and invaluable suite of resources for operating a small group personal training gym, all delivered via the Quoox GMS Ultimate platform.

Alchemy comprises the packages SGPT InfinityEngage; and Mindhealth - structured to meet the needs of the modern training gym, focussed on high-value memberships & delivering a premium service to their members.

Including comprehensive business advice, including weekly progress meetings; monthly operational coaching; monthly business coaching; and monthly sales coaching, our SGPT Infinity subscription includes a multitude of pre-written resources (branded as your own) and fitness programs to help you run your facility effectively and profitably. SGPT Infinity includes a subscription to Quoox GMS Ultimate.

Alchemy Engage delivers an extensive set of pre-written workflow automations which we tailor to your specific needs, enabling you to save money, increase your service level, and increase member retention.

The ultimate SGPT toolkit

Quoox co-founder, Ben Brand, provides an introduction to how SGPT Infinity could help you elevate your small group gym from good to great.
Harness the power of workflow automation

Triggers is an extremely powerful “triggered action engine”. As a Quoox GMS user, you define an “event” (E.g., n sessions attended) and criteria (E.g., 25x small group sessions), alongside one or more actions that you wish to happen.  These might range from sending an email; to assigning a nurture program; to changing a members journey point.

This first release introduces 49 trigger events, fired by over 300 different trigger points.  Each trigger may be configured to tailor it to your desired needs, and you can add as many actions to each as you wish – creating an almost infinite wealth of opportunities.

Triggers may be stacked, meaning you can have multiple types of the same trigger – each with different criteria and actions.  So, for example, you might have triggers for when a member books a session of a type they haven’t previous attended – and then deliver different information for each.  E.g., “We’re excited to see you’ve just booked your first yoga session… here’s what to expect…”

Event triggers supports 20 different actions which may be “stacked”, including:

  • Add member tag
  • Assign a mentor
  • Block member bookings
  • Credit Pack
  • Email message
  • Fitflix Video
  • Form or Questionnaire
  • Immersive email message
  • Library Document
  • Nurture Program
  • Push alert
  • Raise a system alert
  • Schedule a call
  • Send a message to employee(s)
  • Set journey point
  • Set member status
  • SMS message
  • Task or Reminder
  • XRcize Session

Additionally, a further “any one action from a sub-group of actions” option is provided.  This allows you to configure a group of actions, and then have Quoox GMS select any one at random to carry out.  This is perfect when used as an action for triggers such as the “Birthday” trigger.  Instead of sending out the same lame email to all members just after midnight on their birthday (sure, the ‘personal touch’!), now you can specify multiple messages & touch points, and have Quoox GMS select which to use.  Furthermore, you can defer triggers to occur within a defined timeframe – thus avoiding a “personal message” going out when you’re clearly asleep!

For those members who have linked their Fitbit or Myzone belt to their Quoox app or FitnessHub, this module also provides triggers relating to activity – such as “below n minutes sleep across y consecutive days”; or “n MEPS achieved”; or “Myzone ranking increased”.

Knowing that not every member is a fan of automation, the system has also been designed to allow you to either suppress triggers for certain members/groups, or to only apply them to certain members/groups.  Linked to the recent release of dynamic groups, the options and scope is incredible.

As well as member-facing actions, you can also specify internal actions.  So, for example, alerting your staff when memberships matching certain conditions are coming up for expiry.

With Quoox GMS assessing hundreds-of-thousands of potential events every day, it is the powerful Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure upon which Quoox GMS is built that makes this practically possible.  With one simple member booking potentially causing the assessment of 20+ triggers, it is critical that these occur in a matter of milliseconds, and the Quoox team have spent the last year architecting and building the framework needed to deliver these workflows.

With an almost infinite number of options, Event Triggers is designed to ease a ton of administration tasks for small group training gym or other fitness studio owners, saving time & money.

Event Triggers forms part of our Quoox GMS Ultimate subscription. Additionally, as an optional extra, Alchemy Engage provides a wealth of pre-written workflow automations (built upon Event Triggers), which we tailor for you.  Book a call to upgrade your Quoox GMS system, or to learn more.

But that's not all...

In addition to the above new optional services & features, we are pleased to announce a number of new features which are included as part of our Quoox Foundations and Quoox Core subscriptions.


Automatically import leads from Meta

Meta (Facebook) remains the primary lead source for new members for many of our customers.  Facebook heavily encourage the use of their own lead capture forms for attracting new leads and they greatly prefer this to users being taken away from their site.

Quoox was founded on the principal of consolidating systems and reducing costs for its customers. Many of our clients have the frustration of having to use other systems to handle their Facebook leads, alongside the additional costs that this brings.

This release of Quoox GMS introduces a Meta connector that directly interfaces Quoox GMS with your Meta page.  The connection is extremely simple and simply involves clicking a button in Quoox GMS and selecting (in Meta) the page that you wish to connect to the Quoox GMS lead functionality.

Once connected, every time a lead completes a lead form on Meta, the data is automatically passed to Quoox GMS and created as a lead record.  Corresponding campaigns are assigned and, if you use “event triggers”, you can then specify a wealth of additional workflow which then happens without you needing to touch a thing!

All of your data sits cleanly in one system.  Your leads have a fantastic user experience from the very start, and you have the efficiency of a wealth of automation – helping get that lead across the line.  Even better, you don’t need any “middleware” software such as Zapier to achieve this – saving you upwards of £270 per year!

If you enter any custom questions on your Meta form, these are also imported into Quoox GMS and recorded against the lead record.  The specific advert and campaign to which the lead responded (if applicable) is also stored.


Forms & Questionnaires for Leads

The forms & questionnaires functionality within Quoox GMS has proven very popular, and we have had a number of clients ask us to extend the functionality to be available to leads.

The challenge was that, until now, leads did not use either the mobile app or FitnessHub – and thus did not have a platform upon which to access and complete their forms.  This update extends FitnessHub so that leads may now also access their forms and complete them via a new “guest area” within the FitnessHub site.

Every FitnessHub site now has a “/guest” URL, which maybe accessed by leads.  However, most leads will directly access a form by clicking on the link they receive by email when they are allocated a form for completion.

Forms may either be allocated to leads manually (via the lead record), or on an automatic basis using the new “Event Triggers” workflows.

A lead does not need a password to log in.  They login using their email address and a custom link.  Alternatively, they may use a custom code alongside their email address if they do not have the custom link.


Fitness Hub "keep me logged in"

With a significant number of Quoox GMS clients now using the FitnessHub site to deliver membership resources to their clients, we have made some enhancements to the FitnessHub authentication process.

A new “Remain logged in on this device” option is provided on the login form.  Checking this box causes FitnessHub to “remember” the user and keep them logged in on the given device.  This means that they can close FitnessHub and still be logged in when they return, at a later time.

As with such features on any site, this should only be used by members on private computers/devices.  They can still logout by selecting the “logout” option, and they will cease to be “remembered”.

Many of our clients are taking advantage of the ability to use built-in mobile device functions to have members add their FitnessHub site to the phone/tablet home screens.  The icon used is that uploaded to FitnessHub by the facility, and (by default) the facility name is used as the ‘app name’.  This provides a method for facilities to provide additional branding at “home screen level”, and is an alternative to the Quoox mobile app.


Lead Coach schedule view

This update introduces a new view to the session schedule, selected via a new dropdown option positioned above the schedule calendar.

The “group by lead coach” option splits the schedule view into columns, and the sessions are placed into their column according to the assigned lead coach.  Sessions without a lead coach assigned are displayed in a final “Unassigned” column.

This view enables users of the Quoox GMS portal to see more readily the allocation and availability of coaching personnel.

To avoid the clutter of empty columns, the schedule will only show columns for staff allocated on the given day.  It does not add columns for employees without any sessions allocated.

Quoox GMS will remember the last selected view on a per user basis.  The view may be changed at any time using the dropdown grouping option.  Groupings only apply to the “day” view, and week; month; and agenda views remain unaltered.


1-on-1 "at a glance"

“1-on-1 at-a-glance” introduces additional data into both the dashboard session listing widget and the schedule.  It provides a mechanism to view “at-a-glance” members who are coming in to attend 1-on-1 sessions.

Where a session is scheduled with a capacity of 1 and has 1 member booked on, that member name is included in the session listing and the schedule.  This enables facilities to see who is attending a 1-on-1 session without needing to click through to the booking view.

Schedule a call
To learn more, or to get signed-up, book a call below.


We provide services to an exclusive group of wellness facilities to help them achieve operational superiority and provide ongoing support to their profitable, scalable, expertly operated, premium well-being businesses.
©2024 Quoox Ltd.
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