
Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to questions that you may have
General questions

What is the difference between Quoox, Gym Mastery, etc.?

  • Quoox is the name of our company, formally Quoox Ltd. (in the UK)
  • Quoox Ultimate is our market-leading gym management software, and also at the core of our Alchemy product.
  • Gym Mastery is the name of our specialist SGPT gym business advice service, tailored to help our clients achieve their business goals.

How do you pronounce Quoox?

The official pronunciation is 'kooks' (with a long ooo!). However, we're not precious. Many of our Irish clients call us "kuks" and, to be fair, that sounds pretty cool too. Ambiguity never seemed to hurt Adidas. Or is is Adidas? It does make search engine optimisation a bit of a challenge though [A note for our future selves].

Where is Quoox based?

Quoox is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom and, in which, all of our team are based. All of our corporate, sales, support, and development teams are in-house and based at our company headquarters in Colchester, Essex.

Which countries and territories do you serve?

We presently offer our products within the United Kingdom; Ireland; and the United States.

It is our intention to introduce our products into additional territories in due course.

Product questions

Do you offer a trial?

No, we do not offer a trial. However, our team will happily take you through our fully-functional demonstration system, as well as providing additional details regarding our Gym Mastery products.

Quoox GMS is a comprehensive business management product. For it to work for your facility, it needs to be configured appropriately. Our team can optionally help you set up your system, and this service is included with our Gym Mastery subscription.

What is the minimum commitment for your products?

If you subscribe to Quoox Ultimate as a standalone product, your minimum commitment is 12-months from the date of the commencement of your subscription.  After this time you may cancel without any penalty.

If you subscribe to Gym Mastery, the minimum commitment is 12-months. Quoox Ultimate is provided as part of this subscription. Our team provide a lot of resources and put in a considerable amount of time early in your Gym Mastery subscription. 12-months is an appropriate period of time to implement the Gym Mastery processes and workflows, and for you to meet your first 12-months growth targets.

What payment methods do you take?

For all subscriptions, we require either a credit or debit card on file. We do not accept "pre-pay" cards.

If you are based in the UK, you may also, optionally, setup a Direct Debit with us. If you have an active Direct Debit mandate, this will be used in preference to the payment card on file.

If your payment card expires or is cancelled, your Quoox Ultimate will enter 'restricted mode'.  This is readily overcome by following the instructions that will be displayed in the dashboard for adding an updated payment card.

Are there any additional costs?

Beyond our subscription fees, the only additional cost is for SMS text messages.  These are charged at cost + 1p per message block.  A message block is up to 120-characters, including spaces.

If you do not use text messages, there is no additional charge.

Unlike some providers, we do not require our clients to bulk buy SMS credits in advance. SMS messages are charged as part of your monthly bill or when you exceed £50 usage during a month.

What support do I get with my subscription?

If you subscribed to Quoox prior to Jan 1st 2022, or you have subscribed to Gym Mastery, then your subscription includes unlimited support.

If you are outside of these categories, then your 1st month includes unlimited support, and then 1 inclusive support incident per 30-day period. Additional support contracts are available, or may be purchased ad hoc per support request.

Support requests are initiated by raising a support ticket through the Quoox Ultimate system. This will be sent to our help desk team, who will respond within 1 working day.  Typically, most enquiries receive a response within an hour and are resolved within the first response.

Subscribers to Gym Mastery have regular sessions with their account managers.  In the unlikely event that additional sessions are required, they may be booked at £79 + VAT (where applicable) per hour, or part hour.

We are very proud of the high quality of support and responsiveness we give to our clients. Our help desk team are all based in our headquarters in the UK, and employed directly by our company. We do not outsource any of our business functions.

What are the terms and conditions of my subscription?

Our Alchemy terms & conditions are available to view here.  We have kept them deliberately simple, and with no 'surprises' or 'gotchas'.

We are proud that they have been given a Crystal Mark by the Plain English campaign.

I am having financial difficulties, what can I do?

If you are suffering financial difficulties, please contact our accounts team.

We understand that this can be a tricky industry, and that cashflow can sometimes become an issue. Rather than risk financial penalties for missed/failed payments, contact us in advance and our accounts team will work with you to establish a workable payment plan.

Where is the Quoox Ultimate hosted?

Quoox Ultimate is architected on the Microsoft Azure platform. Our system is hosted at multiple data centres owned by Microsoft, within the territories in which we operate. Furthermore, our systems are fronted by Cloudflare, providing hundreds of local points-of-presence to ensure maximum system performance.

All Quoox software is proprietary, designed & maintained by our in-house, UK-based development team.

How may I find out more about your products & services?

To find out more about our products & services, please book a call with one of our experienced team.

Is Gym Mastery suitable for my business?

Gym Mastery has been designed to help small group personal training gyms that are seeking to attract high-value clients, maintain a good retention ratio, and that operate in a manner that fits with our product offering.

When you speak with our advisors, they will seek to understand the nature of your business and to ascertain that our product(s) are a potentially good fit for you. If we do not think your business will sufficiently benefit from Gym Mastery, or we do not think the fit it right, we will respectfully advise you.

We operate with a very high level of client satisfaction, and it is our company policy not to take on clients that we do not think we can benefit.

How much does it cost?

Compared with closest equivalent product, both Quoox Ultimate and our Gym Mastery subscriptions are very competitively priced.  We are more expensive than the low-end of the product market, but less expensive than the highest priced - despite offering much more than most.

We expect all subscribers to our products to make significant returns on their monthly expenditure with us, in terms of cost saving, time saving, and through business growth.

If your primary consideration for a system to operate and maximise your business potential is price point, it is likely that Alchemy may not be the right fit for your business.


Do you have any career or job openings?

When we have career openings we shall advertise them on job boards, and a link will be provided here.

If you wish, you may speculatively send us your CV at [email protected]. Whilst we thank you for your interest, we receive high numbers of enquiries, and cannot be guaranteed to respond to all submissions.


We provide services to an exclusive group of wellness facilities to help them achieve operational superiority and provide ongoing support to their profitable, scalable, expertly operated, premium well-being businesses.
©2024 Quoox Ltd.
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