12 June 2022

#$%@&! We forgot the gym management software!

Ok, so let's do one quick final check before we open the doors, then...

Expensive logo and brand identity. CHECK
Great looking training premises. CHECK
Top end dumbbells engraved with your logo. CHECK
Every sort of apparel known-to-man embroidered with your logo. CHECK
A fcukton of energy bars & drinks, with branded water bottles alongside. CHECK
The latest fitness gadget from Elevate. CHECK
A member management, booking, and payment system. Oh #$%@&!

Perhaps you think I'm kidding, but it's amazing how many gym owners get embroiled in the excitement of opening their new facilities and completely forget their core business system. The system upon which they are going to operate their business. The system upon which their members are going to book. The system through which they are actually going to process their revenue!

The biggest last minute dash we've experienced at Quoox is 1-week prior to opening.  However, it's not uncommon for facilities to approach us a month or so prior to the launch of their new facilities.

We get it... software isn't sexy. You don't get the same rush as when you prize that lid off the crate of shiny new dumbbells.

However, what is equally unsexy is opening your new business - the business you have invested so much into - on the back foot and fighting-fires from day-one.

One common misconception is that all gym management products are alike.  That simply isn't true.  Once you get beyond the commonality of them managing bookings & taking payments, they then tend to differ wildly.  Don't even assume that they all take payments reliably - there are many horror stories out there of facilities that have nearly bitten-the-dust due to their management system failing to process membership payments.

Once you get beyond scratching the surface, you will learn that there are even fewer systems designed specifically for small group training gyms, and the unique needs that they have. Quoox GMS is one of those very few.

Starting a new business is stressful enough and implementing a business from a 'blank page' can seem incredibly daunting.

Quoox GMS provides an unrivalled set of tools & functions designed to help small group training facilities operate efficiently & profitably.

SGPT Infinity is a community, business mentorship network, and vast resource toolkit that is all delivered through Quoox GMS.  As an optional extra service, it provides our clients with a 'leg-up' and enables them to "hit the ground running" from the very first day of opening.

For existing small group facilities, SGPT Infinity helps elevate good gyms to the level of being GREAT.

Written by Chris Windram.


We provide services to an exclusive group of wellness facilities to help them achieve operational superiority and provide ongoing support to their profitable, scalable, expertly operated, premium well-being businesses.
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