
27 May 2022

To win the race, it's about the driver, then the car

If you or I were given Lewis Hamilton's Formula-1 car, there is no chance that we could go out onto the track and win the race.

Similarly, if Lewis Hamilton were given a go-kart in which he was expected to compete in a Formula-1 competition, he likely wouldn't even complete the circuit.

Both are essential to Mercedes being able to sit at the front of the grid, and to be able to win race-after-race.

However, Mercedes' success starts with the driver, and then comes the car.

Start with who, then figure how

The same applies with your small group training business.

Your success, or ability to succeed and meet your business goals, starts with you; your mindset; and your focus & dedication. Without this, you cannot achieve the 'how'.

Conversely, without the right tools and the right infrastructure, workflows, and processes you will find that, despite your ambition & drive, you will struggle to deliver.

Almost without exception, the ability to become successful and to sustain that success comes from an incremental process of improvement; an unyielding focus on your goals; and a refusal to compromise your service or get distracted by 'shiny things'.

In his book "Good to Great" [Audible | Amazon], award winning author Jim Collins describes the principal of "first who, then what", along with his concept of the "flywheel".

Collins likens the process of going from good to great to the turning of a heavy flywheel. To get the flywheel moving takes continuous effort and dedication, but once it's spinning, its momentum keeps it going. 

The opposite of the flywheel is the doom loop, a painful cycle of decline, typically spawned by the unfocussed jump from idea-to-idea - in an attempt to leap-frog the work and dedication needed to build a sustainable, great business.

It is not just within our industry that many businesses are built around the ego and personality of the founder. Whilst many of these may become good companies, some even great companies, few survive long beyond the time in which the founder is involved.

This is because the founder often operates the company on a principal of micro-management, rather than building the culture of success and the company & individuals within it driving itself/themselves.

Think for a moment about one of the world's current most successful companies Tesla, and the entrepreneur Elon Musk. He is, without question, a remarkably talented businessman. However, do we think that the companies he has built will continue to thrive when his involvement ends?

Personally, I think not. Musk's companies are built in his image; with him firmly at the helm; and without the internal culture necessary to support continued greatness.

Build for success

When trying to build or transition a business for greatness, it is often hard to 'see the wood for the trees'.  It can seem a very lonely place.

SGPT Infinity from Quoox has been especially for small group training gym operators, providing the systems, processes, training and, most importantly, the business & emotional support necessary for your to become great.

Achieving greatness requires dedication, and for that dedication to be backed-up with the right processes.

Our team will assist you in planning your business (your 90-day, 1-year, and 5-year goals); aid you to "constantly turn the flywheel"; helping you to meet your business targets and to build an exciting, profitable small group training enterprise - commanding high-ticket memberships, operated smoothly and without stress.

Learn more about SGPT Infinity & becoming great.

Written by Chris Windram.


We provide services to an exclusive group of wellness facilities to help them achieve operational superiority and provide ongoing support to their profitable, scalable, expertly operated, premium well-being businesses.
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