Apples, oranges, and good workflow automation
Effective workflow automations are essential for SGPT gyms. But comparing systems can be like comparing apples & oranges.
…and for the pony’s next trick…
The reasons that people exercise in 2022 are different from what they were. Has your facility pivoted to match your members?
If it was easy, everyone would own an SGPT gym
Stockdale Paradox: Never confuse faith that you will prevail with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality.
Powering results with the perfect workout playlist
Music has the power to help your members reach their goals. There is an art to curating the perfect gym or workout playlist.
Mind, Body, and Soul – Being mindful at every stage
As providers of 360° wellness solutions, it is important that we bear this in mind through our every interaction with our clients.
The grass is always greener on the other side
This old proverb is based upon a well known illusion. However, it is on that we, the fitness industry, continue to fall for it.
#$%@&! We forgot the gym management software!
In all the excitement of setting up your sparkling small group training gym and your pristine, scratch-free equipment, it’s easily done…
The race to the bottom: Sucked into the void
Also known as the ballad of “my members won’t pay that”, the race to the bottom is a surefire small business killer.
Harnessing the power of member engagement
The benefits of engaging with your members is widely known, but there is more to the art than just firing-out regular push messages.
To win the race, it’s about the driver, then the car
In top-level Formula-1 motorsports, simply having an excellent car is not enough to win the race. Success starts with the driver…